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Negotiation process


Business negotiations can be perceived from the perspective of relationships rather than the deals that can be made. During talks, Hungarians are more direct than polite. Most Hungarian businessmen seem to enjoy bargaining and wise negotiators make allowances for this bargaining nature until the discussions have come to a conclusion. The opening bid should be pragmatic, but at the same time should include enough room for manoeuvre. Hungarians are known to be well prepared and flexible in business negotiations, where the main goal in their strategy is to obtain a final agreement. They are ready to compromise only if they had already included this as one of the possible solutions.

Talks can last for different periods of time, depending on partners’ attitudes and on the nature of the sector. Negotiating with the public sector usually takes longer than with the private sector. Hungarians like to express vividly their satisfaction about how well they do things. (Meeting etiquette)


Depend on type of business ,In UAE business meetings can be formal or informal during lunch or dinner

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